John David Teare Martin, 2024

Dave Martin, as he is known, was created Captain of the Parish of Andreas by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor in succession to Dorothy Sayle who passed away whilst in office on 27th January 2024.

Dave, of Knock-e- Dhooney, Andreas, is a member of the Andreas Benevolent Society which was founded in 1812 and has long been the last of the truly local benevolent societies. He is Vice-President, and former President, of the Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society and Vice-Chairman of the Manx Museum and National Trust, known as MNH.

Previous members of Dave's family have been Captains of the Parish of Andreas, the first was Ffinlo Martin who is recorded as Warden of the Day and Night Watch for Andreas in 1627. In 1867 John Teare Martin MHK was appointed Captain of the Parish and served until 1878. Dave's father John James Martin was created Captain of the Parish of Andreas in 1976. He stood down in 1980 when his eyesight began to fail and he felt he could no longer fulfil the role to the full extent.

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor Lieutenant General Sir John Lorimer places the Captain of the Parish badge of office around Dave's neck at the swearing in ceremony on 4th April 2024.

Newly installed David Martin with the children of his predecessor, Joanne Sayle, and her brother, Chris Sayle, stand behind the certificate of appointment of Dave as ' Captain of the Militia of and belonging to the Parish of Andreas' in the place of Dorothy Sayle and thereby granting to him full power and authority to train up and exercise the said militia in the best manner for the defence of the said Isle on any emergency, or 'in any time of danger.' Since the arrival of the present Lieutenant Governor the citations have been redesigned in layout and are presented mounted and framed. Previously the citation was printed on a sheet of A4 bond paper and placed direct into a black frame. The new format has been much admired.