Paul Costain, November 2023

Following the stepping down of Stan Clucas after 25 years as Captain of the Parish of Rushen, His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor appointed Paul Costain of Moorhouse Farm, Rushen, as the new Captain of the Parish.

Paul is well known, not only in the parish and the south of the island but across the Island, particularly because of his singing. He was the winner of the coveted Cleveland Medal at the Manx Music Festival (The Guild) no fewer than three times: 2016, 2018 and 2023. Paul was also a past recipient of the Rushen Millennium Cup which was provided by Stan Clucas in the year 2000 as the Captain's Prize for persons or groups that had provided outstanding service to the parish. Paul's swearing in took place at Government House on Thursday 30th November. On this occasion the citation was read out by Mrs Hilary Leece, Chief of Staff to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor instead of the Chief Registrar as at past swearing in ceremonies..

Photograph (left to right): His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Stanley Clucas the former Captain of the Parish, Paul Costain and his partner Sally-Ann Maiden.