Back to Parishes Map Peter Kelly MBE RBV


1627 Donald Christian, Captain
  Thomas Banks, Balnehow, Warden of the Day and Night Watches
1644 Edward Christian, Bemahague
1698 John Oates, Bibaloe
1727 (died) J Oates, Glencrutchery, Parish Clerk
1769 (died) John Oates, Bibaloe
1783 (died) John Oates, Bibaloe
1824 John Banks, Balnehow or Howstrake
1862 Major Samuel Pollock, Strathallan House, JP
1867 Mark Wilks Goldie, Nunnery, MHK before 1867
1878 Richard Ambrose Woods, Glenville
1885 Arthur William Moore, Woodbourne, Douglas, CVO, JP, MA, MHK 1887-1909, (SHK 1898-1909)
1895 Thomas Kneen, Glencrutchery, Clerk of the Rolls, MHK 1890-91
1916 Gilbert Morewood Jones, Douglas
1951 His Honour Ramsey Gelling Johnson, Douglas, OBE, MHK 1924-29, Secretary of Keys 1929-38, Deemster 1947-54
1972 John Allen Cowell Kennedy Nivison, Onchan Village, CBE, MHK 1948-1962, MLC 1962-1988, President of the Legislative Council 1980-1988
1997 Harvey Moss Briggs, Ballakilmartin
2011 Peter Kelly MBE RBV, Alberta Drive, Onchan