Requisition meeting, August 2022

Stephen Carter, Captain of the Parish of Lonan, called a requisition on 15th August after receiving a request from twelve residents of the parish. It was not in the form of a petition but twelve individual letters were received. The request was of an unusual nature in that it related to one of the two House of Keys members for Garff. The majority of the letters were similarly worded and requested a ‘Requisition Meeting to discuss the actions of Mr Andrew Smith MHK in respect of the Assisted Dying Legislation recently before the House of Keys.’ In his opening address the Captain advised that, firstly, just because a request for a Requisition Meeting is made, The Captain does not have to hold it if he does not think the subject matter affects the people of the parish as a whole. Equally, in matters like this, he has no power to insist that a person attend to be questioned.

The meeting was held in Baldrine Methodist Hall and between 50 and 60 people attended but apparently not all the twelve who had requested the meeting and others from Onchan and Douglas were present. The meeting lasted for about an hour and a half.