taking our culture forward

The Island has a remarkable store of fairy legends recorded first by George Waldron in the 1720s, followed by Edward Faragher and Karl Roeder in the 1890s, and the Manx Folk Life Survey in the 1940s.
Forget about Tinkerbell and come and meet the Fairies, or as they were known, the Mooinjer Veggey, The Good People, The Little Gentry, Themselves, the Little People as well as the Lhiannan-shee and the Pynnodderree…

A talk by the renowned Manx folklorist and historian, Stephen Miller RBV.

This talk was delivered in the Peel Centenary Centre on 16 June 2022, hosted by the Manx Branch of the Celtic Congress and Culture Vannin.

The PDF of his presentation is available here: Taking and Telling Stories about the Fairies [PDF]

The video version of this talk is available here.