taking our culture forward

A conversation with Margaret Skinner (b. 07/10/1926) about her time in the Land Army in the Isle of Man during the Second World War.

Topics discussed include:

  • Signing up to the Land Army at Knockaloe soon after finishing school
  • Crops grown & work at Knockaloe in the 1940s
  • Work, including: picking stones, docking turnips, ploughing, threshing and more
  • Uniforms
  • Working conditions, including a 7am start and not getting home until 7pm
  • Working out on other farms in pairs, dropped off in a wagon from Knockaloe
  • Work at the threshing mill and a colleague's terrible accident
  • Working alongside internees
  • Dances at RAF Andreas and at the Pool in Ramsey, and how they would creep into their accomodation late through the cellar
  • Frequently seeing airplane crashes when working out close to RAF Jurby
  • Work at Lezayre Lodge and at the farm at Ballamona

This conversation with Margaret Skinner was conducted by Liz Brand with the assistance of Mrs Skinner's daughter, Winnie Callister.


Interview coming soon.


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