taking our culture forward

Hampton Creer tells of his childhood growing up at Ballabunt Farm at the Cooil in the forties and fifties, how his grandfather made a fortune in the American mines, returned after thirty years to the Isle of Man but lost it after investing it in gas lighting when electricity came in, he then took on farming Ballabunt which had been in the Hampton family for four hundred years.  Hampton talks about buildings and characters at the Cooil, the chapel, his family history including Joney Lowney, mill days, the annual Cooil Sports, his mother from Ballelby, Dalby, who spoke almost fluent Manx.  Also stories from his uncle, James Hampton, of life at the end of the nineteenth century.


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  • Hampton Creer

    An interview with Hampton Creer about his life around the Cooil.

  • Hampton Creer on Jinny the Witch

    Farmer and local historian Hampton Creer talks to David Callister about the origins of Jinny the Witch.