taking our culture forward

In many parts of Britain, the 16th and 17th centuries were a period of unsettling religious change.
What happened on the Isle of Man?
How did a movement which majored on the importance of the word cope with the language barrier?

The Island’s distinctive political and linguistic features makes it a fascinating case study, with the potential to shed light on wider scholarly thinking about the local and regional impact of Protestant reform. The reform process was still ongoing when Bishop Wilson arrived in 1698.
An overview of the topic which engages with contemporary scholarship is long overdue, and this talk focusing on the parish of Michael sketches out the course of events, drawing attention to some key issues and shedding light on this important period of Manx history.

Dr Grass is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and a senior research fellow at Spurgeon’s College, London, specialising in Church history.

This talk took place on 20 May 2024 at the Ebenezer Hall, Kirk Michael. It was organised by Michael Heritage Trust.