The Forum as organised by Culture Vannin met for the last time at the start of October 2023.
Those interested in the historic built environment should know that the Alliance for Building Conservation is run by the IOM Natural History and Antiquarian Society. The ABC website has many interesting articles on 'buildings at risk'.
The Building Conservation Forum was established as a sub-committee of Culture Vannin in June 2015. It brings together representatives from a variety of organisations, in order to identify ways in which to promote and protect the Island’s historic built environment. The Forum’s role is purely advisory.
The buildings around us are an important part of our cultural heritage. From cottages and farm buildings to boarding houses and bunkers, our buildings tell an important story about the Isle of Man. Whether it is because of the appearance or structure of the building itself or the intriguing history within its walls, our architecture gives us a sense of place, makes the Island attractive to visitors and contributes to our quality of life.
As an Island community, we can do much more to protect and maintain the historic built environment, to ensure that our buildings are understood and valued, as well as cared for and protected, for our own benefit and for the benefit of future generations.
As a Forum, we can work together to ensure that the cultural, social, and economic value of the Island’s built heritage is recognised and promoted and makes a strong contribution to our Island’s wellbeing. We can do this by having a clear purpose.
The Forum will:
1. Raise awareness of the Island’s built environment among the public and in Government.
2. Work with Government, communities, developers, owners, and individuals to identify sustainable solutions to the Island’s built heritage.
3. Promote good practice among architects, planners, policy makers, and owners ensuring that decision making is sound and informed.
4. Assist Government in developing and maintaining its policies towards our built heritage.
5. Enable training opportunities for architects, planners, policy makers, building contractors, and other practitioners.
The Forum comprises representatives from Culture Vannin, Manx National Heritage, the Society of Architects, the Institute of Historic Building Conservation, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, the Isle of Man Victorian Society, and the Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society. It also includes political representation.
Projects have included a year-long awareness raising campaign called Isle of Architecture, one legacy of which is the IoA Facebook page.
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