One of the Isle of Man's more unusual traditions once took place on Laa'l Catreeney (St. Catherine's Day) on the 6th of December.
Involving a mock funeral of a hen with a traditional song, followed by a dinner from the hen's body and the drinking of much 'jough,' the tradition is at the same time both humorous and sinister.
This short film presented by Anita Cashen explains something of the tradition and the place of the fair held in Colby at this time of year.
More about this tradition can be found on in the Manx Year part of the website: Laa'l Catreeney
The traditional Manx music featured in this film is 'Kiark Catreeney Marroo' (Catherine's Hen is Dead), performed by Kiaull Manninagh.
The Manx version of this film is available here: