This short film from 2011 follows the Struan Barrule as it leaves the slopes of South Barrule and starts its journey to the sea.
Presenter Jim MacGregor examines several of the classic features of a river on the way including erosion, which has created a waterfall, human interference in the form of tree planting and reservoir building, and he finds a typical meander with its river beach and erosion.
There is also dramatic evidence of pollution as a result of leachate from Victorian mining.
As the River Ned joins the Barrule the water is diverted to supply a fish farm and there is an example of soft engineering to prevent flooding.
Along from a redundant water wheel the river passes through a weir on its last stretch, and a sluice gate takes water to the nearby power station.
After a journey of some 13km the river at last enters the Irish Sea, but not before it passes though one final feature, the Peel harbour retention scheme.
This film was first released for educational use within Manx schools in 2011.
Written & presented by Jim MacGregor.
Directed by Charles Guard.
Produced by Culture Vannin for the Department of Education and Children.