taking our culture forward

Sidney and Wesley Quane were born in Sulby in 1937 and 1938, the first two boys of a large family of seven children.

They talk of a worry free childhood spent riding ‘bikes’ they had made themselves on the Claddagh (very different to the camp site we know now, sheep grazed there to keep the grass down), being woken early in the morning by the first bikes of the TT races, memories of local characters, travelling to school on the train, hardship of life, schooling and going on Sunday School picnics that covered most of the Island in one day!
They also talk of their time spent doing National Service and their lives when they returned to the Island - including Sidney’s short time in a haunted house in Laxey.

It’s a real treat hearing these two Sulby brothers chat about their childhood.


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  • Sidney & Wesley Quane