The origins of this uniquely Manx office can be traced back to Viking days and this site will help you to learn something about the history of the Captains. You can also find out who is the Captain of your Parish by clicking on the interactive map.
Oath of Captain of the Parish
(as at present administered)
By Virtue of the Power and Authority in me vested by HER MAJESTY and out of the confidence I have in the courage, conduct, and fidelity of you the said [FULL NAME] have nominated, authorized and appointed and by these Presents do nominate, authorize and appoint you the said [FULL NAME] to be Captain of the Militia of and belonging to the Parish of [PARISH] in the place of [FULL NAME] thereby giving and granting to you full power and authority to train up and exercise the said Militia in the best manner for the defence of the said Isle of any emergency, or in any time of danger. And I do hereby empower, authorize and strictly require you to quell and suppress all Riots, apprehend and secure all Rioters and generally, to the utmost of your ability, to preserve The Queen’s Peace within the said Parish; and at all times when necessity requires, to be aiding and assisting in having due obedience paid to all Judgements, Sentences, Orders and Decrees of all the Civil Magistrates of the said Isle, for carrying the Laws thereof into execution, and for the due administration of Justice throughout the same. Hereby requiring and strictly ordering all your inferior officers, and all others Her Majesty’s subjects within the said Parish, to be aiding and assisting to you in the several matters aforesaid, and to yield due obedience to all your lawful commands in and about the same. And you are also to observe and perform all such Orders, Directions and Instructions as you shall, from time to time, receive from Her Majesty, the Governor, or Lieutenant Governor of the said Isle for the time being, and other Superior Officers empowered in that behalf.